This Gallery showcases all of the
Handmade LIMITED EDITION Paper Sculptures
that I am still producing for the Disney Theme Parks.
These pieces are only available for purchase when I am at the Disney Theme Parks.
They cannot be purchased through this website. If you are interested in them please send me
a message through the "Contact" page on this site and I can let you know when I can have
the artwork available for you.

All Artwork on this page ©Disney
This Gallery showcases all of the
Handmade ORIGINAL Paper Sculptures
that are still available
These pieces are only available for purchase when I am at the Disney Theme Parks.
They cannot be purchased through this website. If you are interested in them please send me
a message through the "Contact" page on this site and I can let you know when I can have
the artwork available for you. Most of these originals have not been assembled or framed yet. Only the ones with prices are currently in stock. The rest can be completed and sold but will require time to get the artwork ready and the proper paperwork completed.

All Artwork on this page ©Disney